How to Create Cross Domain Javascript API
I need to create a simple Javascript cross domain API so that I can share data across a few web sites, and also allow other websites to consume my data through Javascrript API. The following article is a good start point: Javascript: Cross-Domain API For Your Website , or Javascript cross-domain api for your website An example of Cross Domain Javascript API is disqus, other than many successful Google Javascript API. The complete disqus javascript API can be found from this page: disqus embed.js . It provides good example of how to handle different browser and perform cross domain call. Note: In, you can allow cross domain call by using following: Response . AppendHeader ( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" , "*" ); Or you can set the cross-origin resource sharing in web.config file as indicated in article cross-origin resource sharing How ever, IE doe not support COSR accroding to the discussion, therefore, Proxy service is required. ...