Circular reference error in Object Serialization in Asp.Net using C#

Category object is a typical object that requires parent/children relationship. What's more, it is a common practice that the child object will require a parent object reference.

When we use object serialization, it is very important that we set the parent object as [XmlIgnore]. Otherwise, the serialization will raise an exception as following:

Circular reference was detected while serializing an object Categories.

The following is the code sample.

/// Summary description for Categories

public class Categories
public Categories m_parentCategory;

public Guid m_CategoryID;
public string m_CategoryName = "";
public short m_iLevel = 0;
public static Categories rootCategory = null;

public List m_oSubCategories = new List();

public void Save(string fileName)
FileStream fileStreamCreate = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create);
XmlSerializer serializerCategory = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Categories));
serializerCategory.Serialize(fileStreamCreate, this);

public Categories LoadCategories(string fileName)
FileStream fileStreamRead = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
XmlSerializer deSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Categories));
Categories oNewCat = (Categories)deSerializer.Deserialize(fileStreamRead);
return oNewCat;
return null;


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