Add compiler option to Visual Web Developer Express

In Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, there is no direct way to compile the web site. However, we can add a pre-compile menu to the VWD using the external tools

1. In main VWD top menu bar, select the Tools -> External tools menu.
2. In the pop out dialog, click add to add a menu item.
3. In the Title edit box, add text: Pre-&Compile (non-updatable)
4. Specify the the Command text by browsing to the compiler. By default it is C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_compiler.exe
5. In the arguments text box, add following text: -p "$(ProjectDir)" -v / "$(ProjectDir)\..\Compiled"

You can specify other options such as us output window or not.

Click Apply to add this menu. Now you can start to compile your application.

You can also compile the application as update-able web site. Update-able web site using Partial Compilation, which compiles only the CodeBeside classes but leaves the ASPX pages to compile at run time on the server. The ASP.NET Compiler calls this an Updateable site, but this is only partially correct. You still have to run the ASPNET_COMPILER but include the -u flag to make the site updateable. This page talks about the three deployment mode

To create an update-able compilation, copy following text in the arguments text box: -p "$(ProjectDir)" -v / "$(ProjectDir)\..\Compiled" -u


After installing Visual Web Developer Express 2010, the same configuration is also tried and works well.
It is recommended to set the compiler to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe


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