Xamarin Quickstart

As usual, the best way to learn something is to use it.

Follow the official quickstart sample to develop the Hello World of Xamarin.

Xmarin quickstart

A few interesting tips:

1. At top right, there are a few icons. One of them can be used to switch to design view as Asp.Net UI designer:

2. In this sample, the local file operation and basic back end code are exactly the same as Asp.net. The only issue I have had is that I changed the application name from "Notes" to "Quickstart_Note" and this caused a build failure. The reason is that then namespace for the Mainpage class is Notes. The namespace has to be used in the App.xaml.cs accordingly.

This is how the final app looks like in Android emulator:

3. For the quickstart step 3, SQL Lite recommended by the tutorial has been depreciated. There is an official build specially for Xamarin released by SQLite-net.

There is no other issue to follow the quickstart sample. After the quick start, the fundamentals of Xamarin development are clear. It is time to play with some advanced samples that will be used in the real project.


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